Implant Restorations in
Arlington, TX

Revive Family Dentistry in Arlington, TX, offers implant restorations for patients looking to replace missing teeth or upgrade severely damaged ones. Led by Dr. Kimberly Parson and her skilled and expert team, you can count on Revive Family Dentistry to provide top-notch dental care tailored to your needs. Whether you're seeking crowns, bridges, or dentures, Revive Family Dentistry has the expertise to get your smile back in perfect shape.

What Are Implant Restorations?

Implant restorations are a way to replace missing teeth or upgrade severely damaged teeth. An implant is an artificial tooth root surgically inserted and held in place by the jawbone. Once the implant is stable a custom-made dental crown is placed on top, restoring your tooth structure and giving you back your natural smile.  

How Do Implant Restorations Work?

At Revive Family Dentistry, Dr. Kimberly Parson will begin by examining your teeth and gums to determine if you're a good candidate for an implant restoration. If so, she'll use advanced imaging technology to plan the precise placement of the implant before scheduling a surgical procedure in our office or at a trusted local hospital. Once the implant is secure, Dr. Parson will create a custom-made dental crown that's matched your natural teeth for the most aesthetically pleasing result.

What Are the Types of Implant Restorations Available in Arlington, TX?

Revive Family Dentistry offers a variety of implant restoration options, including crowns, bridges, and dentures. With crowns, one or more missing teeth can be replaced with artificial replacements that blend seamlessly with your smile. Bridges are used to replace multiple consecutive missing teeth, while dentures are ideal for replacing multiple sets of teeth. 

How Do You Determine If You're a Good Candidate for Implant Restorations?

At Revive Family Dentistry, our experienced team will help you determine if implant restorations are the right choice for you. We consider various factors, such as overall health, dental history, and lifestyle, before making a recommendation. 

How Much Do Implant Restorations Cost in Arlington, TX?

We know and understand that cost is always a consideration for dental care. That is why, at Revive Family Dentistry, we seek to deliver the highest quality care at an affordable price. We work with each patient individually to develop a payment plan for their budget and lifestyle. 

Book Your Implant Restoration in Arlington, TX, Today!

Revive Family Dentistry is the premier destination for implant restorations in Arlington, TX. Dr. Parson and her team of professionals will provide you with personalized care and attention to ensure the best possible outcome. To book your appointment, call 469-340-4002 or visit our website today!

We look forward to helping you restore your smile!